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Salmon River Runners

Schedule of Events

Saturday, October 5th, 2024

       8:00-9:45am ~ Registration, Packet Pickup and Shoe Recycling

at the Salmon River Picnic Shelter (Firemen's Field) adjacent to the Salmon River State Park on Route 16.

       10:00am - Start of the Salmon River 5.5 Mile Run

in front of the Comstock Covered Bridge, across the street from packet pickup area.

After the Race ~ Join Us for an Awards Ceremony and CLT's Famous Barbecue!!

Like to eat? So do we, and the Colchester Land Trust puts on an incredible buffet after the race that includes many locally grown, sourced, and made foods and beverages.


The Course

The USATF certified 5.41 mile course (CT08007JHP) offers varied terrain beginning in front of the historic Comstock Covered Bridge at the Colchester/East Hampton town line. The first paved mile follows Comstock Bridge Road northeast at a moderate incline. Then the course bears right onto the seasonal and scenic River Road where approximately 1.5 miles are run on dirt/gravel surface and runners are treated to lovely views of the Salmon River and the many fly fishermen drawn to its banks at this time of year. At about 2.5 miles, the course passes under an old brownstone railroad trestle then veers sharply left onto the historic Airline Trail for a couple of flat and scenic miles on improved trail bed. Just past the 4 mile mark, another sharp left loops runners back onto pavement for a long, fast, and mostly downhill stretch on Bull Hill Road and back to the finish at the Comstock Covered Bridge.



There will be two water stops.  The first is located shortly after the 2-mile mark just prior to the entrance of the Airline Trail section of the course.  The second is located just after the 4-mile mark, at the end of the Airline Trail section of the course.  Note that in an effort to keep Colchester clean, green and beautiful, there are no single use plastic bottles. Instead you'll be treated to 5-gallon jugs of clear, cold water from the artesian well in the state park and compostable paper cups.  You can do us one better by bringing your own hydration flasks!!



Prizes will be awarded to the first three finishers in each of the following divisions by gender:

Division:            Age:                    

Junior               13 years and under

High School      14 - 18 years

Open                  19 - 29 years

Sub Master       30 - 39 years

Master               40 - 49 years

Grand Master    50 - 59 years

Senior                60 - 69 years

Veteran              70+



Complete results from this year's race will be posted at

The Colchester Land Trust dedicates its annual Salmon River 5.5 Mile Run to the memory of longtime runner and dear friend of the Land Trust, Tim Curtis.  Tim ran the race nearly every year since its inception in 2007, winning his age group many times, and has been sorely missed since he passed in 2023.

THANK YOU for supporting the Colchester Land Trust!

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